








新北市私立蘋果托嬰中心    地址新店區中興路三段234.236號 1-2樓   招生專線 89146716,89146106謝謝您

Members dad than Mommy everyone good! we is new established of qualified incorporated thanks to Baby Center • this park foster children excavations self trait: curiosity, and initiative, and exploration sexual and independence, strengthened physiological, and mood, and social acts, and creativity and the cognitive, Commission collection the area development, for children features, through observation, and game, and actual operation, followed its law induced learning, turn development its potential. We work full-time caring for the little baby of 0-3 • small classes (no more than small children) • Government qualified Office (North House children's character, the 131th) • may bring in 3,000 to 5,000 Yuan Government subsidy (months) • teachers are qualified nanny licenses for more than five years (no regular continuing education credits and holders of certificates and infant and child CPR certificate) • Indoor color scheme of bright lighting • ventilation • good equipment • educational toys specifications of hardware and software • sound • no TV time sterilizing apparatus Liang hongzhan disinfection • regularly hired security companies to disinfect timed transfers well to stop testing the door • a safe and secure – we welcome you to visit visit ㄡ!!!!!!! Charges standard: months fee will due to thanks to finishing time of different is divided into 18,000 yuan and 17,000 yuan and the 16,000 yuan whole (can generation applications Government grants 3,000 to 5,000 yuan whole) registered fee for 6,000 yuan whole (half once) not received bath and the food of costs and the other clutter of costs shoutuo time: morning 07 30 o'clock to night 08 00 o'clock (can elastic tie) new Taipei private Red Apple thanks to Baby Center site. store district zhongxing road, three paragraph No. 234, 2 floor admissions line 89,146,716
    創作者 紅蘋果托嬰中心 的頭像

    新店紅蘋果立案托嬰中心 招生專線89146716 歡迎您

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